Masur Birch Turning Squares
Betula alba
Also called Alpine Burl or Karelian Burl after the Finnish province of Karelia where it is often found. The high figure found in this wood is caused when the tree heals the damage done by an invasive boring beetle. The beetle infestation leaves the trees stunted and sometimes deformed but produces wood with small twists and swirls that highlight the darker, burly figure. Rare.
Item Number: W42598
Figured Narra Turning Squares
Pterocarpus indicus
This wood is also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous redish-orange color sometimes with darker streaks. The figure is classic bee's-wing mottle. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42576
Figured Narra Turning Squares
Pterocarpus indicus
This wood is also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous redish-orange color sometimes with darker streaks. The figure is classic bee's-wing mottle. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42575
Figured Narra Turning Squares
Pterocarpus indicus
This wood is also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous redish-orange color sometimes with darker streaks. The figure is classic bee's-wing mottle. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42573
Snakewood Turning Squares
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
D has a waney corner.
Item Number: W42566
Snakewood Turning Squares
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: W42565
Snakewood Turning Squares
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
A has some wane on one corner.
Item Number: W42564
Camphor Burl Turning Squares
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42546
Camphor Burl Turning Squares
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42545
Shedua Turning Squares
Guibourtia sp.
Also called Ovangkol and Amazakoue. This wood is increasingly becoming popular as an acoustic guitar wood. The color varies from a rich, golden brown to a lustrous grayish brown usually with a black stripe.
Item Number: W42544
Guatemalan Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia tucarensis
This Rosewood species has a reddish-brown to dark brown colored heartwood contrasting the almost white sapwood. The dust has a sweet odor. It is an excellent furniture/case works/jewelry box wood and even though it has a medium texture it does take a nice polish. We also offer it as a musical instrument wood (see guitar fingerboards and backs & sides elsewhere on the site). It has a very "crisp" tap tone with good sustain.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42543
Guatemalan Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia tucarensis
This Rosewood species has a reddish-brown to dark brown colored heartwood contrasting the almost white sapwood. The dust has a sweet odor. It is an excellent furniture/case works/jewelry box wood and even though it has a medium texture it does take a nice polish. We also offer it as a musical instrument wood (see guitar fingerboards and backs & sides elsewhere on the site). It has a very "crisp" tap tone with good sustain.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42542
Zebrawood Turning Squares
Microberlinia brazzavillensis
This striped wood develops a beautiful golden patina as it ages.
Item Number: W42522
Mexican Bocote Turning Squares
Cordia elaeagnoides
Bocote is an oily wood with a yellowish to dark brown color accented with irregular black stripes and streaks. It has a spicy smell and is hard, heavy and strong. It is easy to work and takes a very nice polish. This beautiful wood is seldom seen in woodworker's shops.
Item Number: W42506
Pink Ivory Turning Squares
Berchemia zeyheri
A fairly rare wood from Southern Africa ranging in color from light pink to watermelon red. At one time it was described as being "rarer than diamonds". It is very dense, hard and heavy and takes a very high polish. Beautiful for turnery, inlays and other precious items.
Item Number: W42501
Brazilian Bloodwood Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Brosimum paraense
Also called Satine, Cacique, and Cardinalwood. The heartwood is a rich strawberry red, in sharp contrast to the light colored sapwood. Takes a high, lustrous finish.
Item Number: W42498
Brazilian Bloodwood Turning Squares
Brosimum paraense
Also called Satine, Cacique, and Cardinalwood. The heartwood is a rich strawberry red, in sharp contrast to the light colored sapwood. Takes a high, lustrous finish.
Item Number: W42497
Brazilian Bloodwood Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Brosimum paraense
Also called Satine, Cacique, and Cardinalwood. The heartwood is a rich strawberry red, in sharp contrast to the light colored sapwood. Takes a high, lustrous finish.
Item Number: W42496
Camphor Burl Turning Squares
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42491
Camphor Burl Turning Squares
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42490
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42487
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42486
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42485
Figured Purpleheart Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Peltogyne sp.
The best colored & figured Purpleheart comes from Bolivia. It is also finer-grained than other Purpleheart species found elsewhere. Air-dried.
Item Number: W42474
Figured Purpleheart Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Peltogyne sp.
The best colored & figured Purpleheart comes from Bolivia. It is also finer-grained than other Purpleheart species found elsewhere. Air-dried.
Item Number: W42473
West African Ebony Turning Squares Bundles
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
A has 3 pieces.
B through F all have 4 pieces each.
Item Number: W42456
West African Ebony Turning Squares Bundles
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
A has 4 pieces.
B has 3 pieces.
C has 4 pieces.
D has 4 pieces.
Item Number: W42455
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42453
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia spruceana
This is a fairly rare species from the Amazon region of Brazil. The heartwood varies from a golden-brown to a reddish-brown often with narrow, dark stripes. It is hard and heavy, but easy to work, and takes a high polish.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42449
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia spruceana
This is a fairly rare species from the Amazon region of Brazil. The heartwood varies from a golden-brown to a reddish-brown often with narrow, dark stripes. It is hard and heavy, but easy to work, and takes a high polish.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42448
Pink Ivory Turning Squares
Berchemia zeyheri
A fairly rare wood from Southern Africa ranging in color from light pink to watermelon red. At one time it was described as being "rarer than diamonds". It is very dense, hard and heavy and takes a very high polish. Beautiful for turnery, inlays and other precious items.
C is not a square.
Item Number: W42445
Pink Ivory Turning Blanks
Berchemia zeyheri
A fairly rare wood from Southern Africa ranging in color from light pink to watermelon red. At one time it was described as being "rarer than diamonds". It is very dense, hard and heavy and takes a very high polish. Beautiful for turnery, inlays and other precious items.
E has a crack on one face, but it you are turning a bowl out of this, most of it should turn off.
Item Number: W42444
Chakte-viga Turning Squares
Guilandina sp.
Found in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and related to Pernambuco (Guilandina echinata). It is sought after for house posts in Mexico as it is said to be impervious to termites and other insect pests. It is a lovely light to dark orange color, is fairly hard and heavy, and is capable of taking a very high polish. Rare.
Item Number: W42439
Chakte-viga Turning Squares
Guilandina sp.
Found in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and related to Pernambuco (Guilandina echinata). It is sought after for house posts in Mexico as it is said to be impervious to termites and other insect pests. It is a lovely light to dark orange color, is fairly hard and heavy, and is capable of taking a very high polish. Rare.
Item Number: W42438
Mexican Cocobolo Turning Squares
Dalbergia retusa
The wood is very oily which makes it difficult to glue but on the plus side the oiliness makes it easy to produce a fantastic polish on finished pieces. Wear a respirator mask when working Cocobolo as the dust can produce asthma-like reactions. Cocobolo is a small to medium sized tree and is found mainly in Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42436
Mexican Cocobolo Turning Squares
Dalbergia retusa
The wood is very oily which makes it difficult to glue but on the plus side the oiliness makes it easy to produce a fantastic polish on finished pieces. Wear a respirator mask when working Cocobolo as the dust can produce asthma-like reactions. Cocobolo is a small to medium sized tree and is found mainly in Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42435
Pink Ivory Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Berchemia zeyheri
A fairly rare wood from Southern Africa ranging in color from light pink to watermelon red. At one time it was described as being "rarer than diamonds". It is very dense, hard and heavy and takes a very high polish. Beautiful for turnery, inlays and other precious items.
Item Number: W42413
Pink Ivory Turning Squares
Berchemia zeyheri
A fairly rare wood from Southern Africa ranging in color from light pink to watermelon red. At one time it was described as being "rarer than diamonds". It is very dense, hard and heavy and takes a very high polish. Beautiful for turnery, inlays and other precious items.
Item Number: W42402
Pink Ivory Turning Squares
Berchemia zeyheri
A fairly rare wood from Southern Africa ranging in color from light pink to watermelon red. At one time it was described as being "rarer than diamonds". It is very dense, hard and heavy and takes a very high polish. Beautiful for turnery, inlays and other precious items.
Item Number: W42401
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42395
Camphor Burl Turning Squares
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42378
Figured Narra Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Pterocarpus indicus
Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42370
Figured Red Narra Turning Squares
Pterocarpus indicus
Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42369
Figured Red Narra Turning Squares
Pterocarpus indicus
Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42368
Figured Red Narra Turning Squares
Pterocarpus indicus
Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.
Item Number: W42366
Curly European Sycamore Bundles & Turning Squares
Acer pseudoplatanus
This European Maple is native to central Europe and west Asia. It is a tough, white or cream colored, fine-grained timber. It reminds me of vanilla ice cream because it is so even-colored. It works well in any grain direction. It is used for musical instruments, furniture, cabinetry, and because it is non-staining it is used for kitchen utensils, wooden spoons, rolling pins, and cutting boards. The figure is fiddleback on the quartersawn surface and more of a broken curl on the flatsawn surface. Select, quartersawn material is used for violin backs and sides and necks. Dry.
A has 2 pieces.
B has 3 pieces.
Item Number: W42362
Snakewood Turning Squares
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: W42345
Snakewood Turning Squares
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: W42344
Snakewood Turning Squares
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: W42343
Snakewood Turning Squares
Piratinera guianensis
Also called Letterwood and Leopardwood. Color: dark red to reddish brown with irregular black speckles or stripes. Fine textured and highly lustrous. Very hard and heavy, 75-84 lbs/cu ft. Takes a beautiful finish. Very rare and very expensive. Guyana and Surinam.
Item Number: W42342