The heartwood of African Blackwood is purplish to brownish-black with dark gray streaks giving an overall impression of being black. Lustrous with an attractive inner chatoyance. Very hard, heavy, close-grained, and virtually free from pores. Its main use is in turning, and it claims the title of the finest of turnery woods, well known as the standard by which other turnery woods are judged. Long a favorite of ornamental turners, the nature of the wood allows very fine detail with sharp cutters, leaving a beautiful, burnished surface.
Some blanks may have sapwood corners or more, burly or wild grain, occasional bug holes, small inclusions, small checks, i.e. they have the small defects common to Blackwood. That said these have to be the best quality rejects I have seen in nearly 30 years. A good percentage have no discernible defects and those that do have minor ones.
They are an odd size to make it easier to turn the bell or flared end of a clarinet. On one end they are 2 3/4-3 1/4" square and the other end is 1 3/8-1 5/8" square with tapered sides as in the photo. Length is 4 3/4-5 1/4".
The barrel will ship via freight truck. Please call us if you have any questions. 503-274-1271
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
A has 195 pieces.
B has 189 pieces.
C has 206 pieces.
D has 198 pieces.
E has 208 pieces.
F has 198 pieces.
220 volt, three phase, no tooling. Would prefer pick-up from our warehouse in Portland, Oregon but might be persuaded to crate and ship.
Give us a call for more details. 503-274-1271
Also called Jennywood, our stock is from Brazil. Freijo is olive-brown to golden brown in color, similar to Teak, occasionally with darker stripes. It has large, flaky, lustrous medullary rays on the quartersawn surfaces. Moderately hard and heavy, dimensionally stable, it works easily and takes a beautiful finish. Used for furniture and cabinets, millwork, msuical instruments and turnery projects.
Also called European Basswood, this species grows throughout Europe. It was the favorite wood of the English carver Grinling Gibbons and the German Gothic sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider. Pale in color, it has a straight grain and fine, even texture. It is easy to work and can easily be carved with, against, and cross the grain. It is recognized as one of the classic carving woods. Air-dried.
One of several rosewood species from Madagascar. It has beautiful color and grain, a sweet smell, and is very easy to work and stable in use. It is a very close match to true Rio or Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra) and as such is much in demand for musical instruments, especially guitars.
Due to this item being on the CITES list, we are only shipping this species to addresses in the United States.
One of several rosewood species from Madagascar. It has beautiful color and grain, a sweet smell, and is very easy to work and stable in use. It is a very close match to true Rio or Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra) and as such is much in demand for musical instruments, especially guitars.
Due to this item being on the CITES list, we are only shipping this species to addresses in the United States.
One of several rosewood species from Madagascar. It has beautiful color and grain, a sweet smell, and is very easy to work and stable in use. It is a very close match to true Rio or Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra) and as such is much in demand for musical instruments, especially guitars.
Due to this item being on the CITES list, we are only shipping this species to addresses in the United States.
One of several rosewood species from Madagascar. It has beautiful color and grain, a sweet smell, and is very easy to work and stable in use. It is a very close match to true Rio or Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra) and as such is much in demand for musical instruments, especially guitars.
Due to this item being on the CITES list, we are only shipping this species to addresses in the United States.
This striped wood develops a beautiful golden patina as it ages.
The heartwood of African Blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon) is purplish to brownish-black with dark gray streaks giving an overall impression of being black. Lustrous with an attractive inner chatoyance. Very hard, heavy, close-grained, and virtually free from pores. Some squares may have sapwood corners or more, burly or wild grain, occasional bug holes, small inclusions, small checks, etc., i.e. they have the small defects common to Blackwood. Still, I have milled thousands of these and have produced beautiful turning squares with many of them instrument-quality.
We have been importing these from Africa for nearly 40 years. In that time they have always measured pretty much the same sizes, i.e., 1 3/8-1 1/2" square x 7 1/2-8 1/2" long. The most recent batch we received has squares in the 11-12".
There are 404 squares in this barrel.
The barrel will ship via freight truck. Please call us if you have any questions. 503-274-1271
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Famous for its fragrance and use as chest and closet linings. It is generally knotty, machines quite nicely except for some grain tear-out around knots, is very stable in service, resistant to decay and is said to repel moths and other insects.
Beautifully variegated and colored, Black Limba is easy to work and finish. This wood is found in the equatorial forests of West Africa. Black Limba has wonderful tonal properties and is suitable for both solid-body guitars and acoustic guitars. Easy to work and takes a nice polish.
The bird's-eye figure is one we rarely see in this species. These boards are very cool looking.
A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.
Also called Pau Amarello and Yellowheart, the heartwood is a bright yellow color deepening slightly with age. Fairly hard and heavy, easy to work, and capable of taking a high polish.
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Castello Boxwood, though not a true Buxus species, still has a very fine texture and a lovely light canary yellow color. This is truly a dream wood to mill.It is an excellent turnery wood, capable of very fine detail. Also very popular for making scale timbers and other parts for model ships. Air-dried.
Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.
Oftentimes sold as a poor mans Hawaian Koa.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.