African Blackwood Turning Squares Barrel

Dalbergia melanoxylon

The heartwood of African Blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon) is purplish to brownish-black with dark gray streaks giving an overall impression of being black. Lustrous with an attractive inner chatoyance. Very hard, heavy, close-grained, and virtually free from pores. Some squares may have sapwood corners or more, burly or wild grain, occasional bug holes, small inclusions, small checks, etc., i.e. they have the small defects common to Blackwood. Still, I have milled thousands of these and have produced beautiful turning squares with many of them instrument-quality.

We have been importing these from Africa for nearly 40 years. In that time they have always measured pretty much the same sizes, i.e., 1 3/8-1 1/2" square x 7 1/2-8 1/2" long. The most recent batch we received has squares in the 11-12".

There are 404 squares in this barrel.

The barrel will ship via freight truck. Please call us if you have any questions. 503-274-1271

Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.

Item Number: W42857

1 3/8-1 1/2 x 1 3/8-1 1/2 x 11-12"

Tennessee Red Cedar

(Juniperus virginiana)

Famous for its fragrance and use as chest and closet linings. It is generally knotty, machines quite nicely except for some grain tear-out around knots, is very stable in service, resistant to decay and is said to repel moths and other insects.

Item Number: W42851

A 1 5/16 x 3 13/16 x 31 3/4"
B 1 5/16 x 4 1/8 x 32 7/16"
C 1 5/16 x 4 x 31 15/16"

Bird's-eye Black Limba

Terminalia superba

Beautifully variegated and colored, Black Limba is easy to work and finish. This wood is found in the equatorial forests of West Africa. Black Limba has wonderful tonal properties and is suitable for both solid-body guitars and acoustic guitars. Easy to work and takes a nice polish.

The bird's-eye figure is one we rarely see in this species. These boards are very cool looking.

Item Number: W42850

A 1 13/16 x 6 3/8 x 30 5/16"
B 2 x 6 3/8 x 30 1/8"
C 1 15/16 x 6 3/8 x 30 3/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
D 1 7/8 x 6 5/16 x 33 1/16"
E 1 7/8 x 6 5/16 x 39 3/4"

Figured Black Mesquite

Prosopis nigra

A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.

Item Number: W42849

A 1 11/16 x 2 7/8 x 35 11/16"
B 1 15/16 x 4 9/16 x 36 9/16"

Brazilian Satinwood/Yellowheart

Euxylophora paraensis

Also called Pau Amarello and Yellowheart, the heartwood is a bright yellow color deepening slightly with age. Fairly hard and heavy, easy to work, and capable of taking a high polish.

Item Number: W42848

A 7/8 x 5 5/8 x 36"
B 15/16 x 5 5/8 x 36"
C 15/16 x 5 5/8 x 39 3/16"

Bird's-eye Maple

Acer saccharum

The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.

Item Number: W42847

A 15/16 x 5 3/8 x 27 7/8"
B 7/8 x 5 3/8 x 29 1/4"
C 15/16 x 5 1/2 x 30 1/8"
D 1 x 5 3/4 x 30 1/16"
E 7/8 x 5 5/16 x 30 7/8"
F 15/16 x 5 1/2 x 32 3/16"

Panama Redwood

Item Number: W42846

A 15/16 x 2 3/4 x 27 5/8"
B 7/8 x 3 1/8 x 30 1/8"
C 15/16 x 3 5/16 x 30 1/2"
D 15/16 x 5 13/16 x 32 1/4"
E 1 x 9 3/4 x 30 7/16"

Castello Boxwood

Calycophyllum multiflorum

Castello Boxwood, though not a true Buxus species, still has a very fine texture and a lovely light canary yellow color. This is truly a dream wood to mill.It is an excellent turnery wood, capable of very fine detail. Also very popular for making scale timbers and other parts for model ships. Air-dried.

Item Number: W42845

A 1 15/16 x 4 5/8 x 30 1/8"
B 2 7/16 x 4 13/16 x 33 1/8"

Figured European Pearwood

Pyrus communis

Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.

Item Number: W42844

A 2 7/8 x 5 5/8 x 33 1/4"
B 2 13/16 x 8 x 33 1/8"


Lysiloma bahamensis

Oftentimes sold as a poor mans Hawaian Koa.

Item Number: W42843

A 1 1/16 x 3 13/16 x 30 1/2"
B 1 x 5 13/16 x 30 1/2"
C 7/8 x 7 1/4 x 30"
D 1 1/16 x 9 1/4 x 30 5/16"
E 15/16 x 5 7/8 x 33 1/8"
F 15/16 x 6 1/16 x 34 1/16"

Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks

Cinnamomum sp.

This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.

Item Number: W42842

A 5 1/4 x 6 3/8 x 6 3/8"
B 5 7/16 x 7 3/8 x 7 3/8"
C 5 7/16 x 7 x 7"
D 5 3/16 x 9 x 9"

Camphor Burl Bowl Blanks

Cinnamomum sp.

This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.

Item Number: W42841

A 2 15/16 x 4 1/4 x 4 1/4"
B 2 9/16 x 5 3/16 x 5 3/16"
C 2 15/16 x 5 x 5"

Camphor Burl Turning Squares

Cinnamomum sp.

This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.

Item Number: W42840

A 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 x 6 1/4"
B 2 9/16 x 2 9/16 x 11"
C 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 6 1/4"
D 4 1/4 x 4 1/4 x 8 3/4"
E 3 3/4 x 3 3/4 x 12 5/16"

German Beech Turning Squares

Item Number: W42839

A 2 x 2 x 20 7/16"
B 2 x 2 x 22"
C 2 x 2 x 22 1/8"
D 2 x 2 x 24 1/8"
E 2 x 2 x 24 1/8"


Microberlinia brazzavillensis

This striped wood develops a beautiful golden patina as it ages.

Item Number: W42838

A 2 1/16 x 4 13/16 x 24 1/8"
B 2 1/8 x 5 x 24 1/8"
C 2 1/8 x 7 x 24 1/8"
D 2 1/8 x 9 7/8 x 24 1/8"

Movingui Turning Squares

Distemonanthus benthamianus

Also called African Satinwood. Generally golden-yellow in color with a very lustrous appearance. Movingui has nice tonal characteristics-bright and "pingy".

Item Number: W42837

A 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 9 5/8"
B 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 9 13/16"
C 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 10 1/8"
D 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 17 5/16"
E 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 17 7/8"
F 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 23 7/16"

Movingui Turning Squares

Distemonanthus benthamianus

Also called African Satinwood. Generally golden-yellow in color with a very lustrous appearance. Movingui has nice tonal characteristics-bright and "pingy".

Item Number: W42836

A 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 15 1/8"
B 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 19"
C 1 9/16 x 1 9/16 x 21 1/2"
D 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 23 13/16"
E 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 23 5/8"
F 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 29 7/8"
G 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 29 7/8"

Figured European Pearwood

Pyrus communis

Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.

B has one waney up corner.

Item Number: W42835

A 3 1/16 x 4 1/4 x 17 1/2"
B 3 1/16 x up to 6 3/16 x 22"

Lightly Figured Narra Turning Squares

Pterocarpus indicus

Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.

Item Number: W42834

A 2 1/16 x 2 1/16 x 14 5/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
B 2 x 2 x 15"
C 2 x 2 x 21 3/8"
D 2 x 2 x 22 1/8"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
E 2 x 2 x 22"
F 2 x 2 x 22"

Lightly Figured Narra Turning Squares

Pterocarpus indicus

Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.

Item Number: W42833

A 2 1/16 x 2 1/16 x 5"
B 2 x 2 x 7 3/4"
C 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 7 1/8"
D 2 x 2 x 7 15/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
E 2 3/4 x 2 3/4 x 9 1/2"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
F 2 13/16 x 2 13/16 x 9 11/16"

Lightly Figured Narra Turning Squares

Pterocarpus indicus

Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.

Item Number: W42832

A 2 x 2 x 7"
B 1 13/16 x 1 13/16 x 9"
C 2 x 2 x 9 1/2"
D 1 15/16 x 1 15/16 x 10 1/8"
E 2 x 2 x 10"
F 2 x 2 x 9 5/8"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
G 2 3/16 x 2 3/16 x 13"


Lysiloma bahamensis

Oftentimes sold as a poor mans Hawaian Koa.

Item Number: W42831

A 1 1/8 x 2 3/4 x 23 3/4"
B 7/8 x 7 1/4 x 21 3/4"
C 15/16 x 5 13/16 x 20 3/4"
D 15/16 x 7 1/16 x 27 1/4"

Figured Black Mesquite Block & Turning Squares

Prosopis nigra

A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.

Item Number: W42830

A 1 7/16 x 3 1/2 x 7 5/8"
B 1 11/16 x 1 11/16 x 8 7/8"
C 1 13/16 x 1 13/16 x 19 5/16"
D 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 26 5/16"
E 2 3/16 x 2 3/16 x 19 7/8"
F 2 3/16 x 2 3/16 x 20 3/4"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
G 2 3/16 x 2 3/16 x 25 3/16"

American Holly

Ilex opaca

Holly is the whitest wood commercially available. Our stock was cut during the winter and quickly dried in a vacuum kiln to prevent discoloration. The result is very white wood without gray or bluish staining. The wood is fine-grained and is excellent for turnery, inlays, musical instrument edge bandings, etc. The grade is common and better which means that there can be some defects, mainly knots.

Item Number: W42829

Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
A 1 x 2 3/8 x 9 9/16"
B 7/8 x 3 1/2 x 10 7/8"
C 1 x 3 5/16 x 12 1/4"
D 7/8 x 2 3/4 x 14"
E 13/16 x 2 5/8 x 15"
F 1 x 3 3/16 x 14 3/4"
G 1 x 3 5/16 x 16 9/16"

American Holly

Ilex opaca

Holly is the whitest wood commercially available. Our stock was cut during the winter and quickly dried in a vacuum kiln to prevent discoloration. The result is very white wood without gray or bluish staining. The wood is fine-grained and is excellent for turnery, inlays, musical instrument edge bandings, etc. The grade is common and better which means that there can be some defects, mainly knots.

Item Number: W42828

A 1 x 5 1/4 x 16 15/16"
B 7/8 x 3 13/16 x 20 3/4"
C 15/16 x 4 1/16 x 21 1/8"
D 1 x 3 13/16 x 22 9/16"
E 1 x 4 1/4 x 24"

Lightly Figured Red Narra

Pterocarpus indicus

Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.

Item Number: W42825

A 1 x 2 5/8 x 21 1/2"
B 1 x 4 1/8 x 21 1/4"
C 1 1/8 x 4 1/4 x 21 1/4"
D 1 1/16 x 3 3/4 x 21 1/2"
E 1 1/16 x 5 x 21 1/4"
F 1 x 6 1/8 x 21 1/4"
G 1 x 6 x 21 1/2"

Lightly Figured Red Narra

Pterocarpus indicus

Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.

Item Number: W42824

A 1 5/16 x 1 5/8 x 21 5/16"
B 1 7/16 x 2 x 21 3/8"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
C 2 x 3 1/2 x 15 1/8"

Lightly Figured Red Narra

Pterocarpus indicus

Also called New Guinea Rosewood. It is a beautiful, highly lustrous golden yellow color sometimes with reddish streaks. A nice turning wood it is also used in furniture, jewelry boxes, handles, etc. It is easy to work and glue and takes a nice polish.

Item Number: W42823

A 2 x 2 13/16 x 5"
B 1 3/16 x 2 x 7"
C 1 3/4 x 2 x 7"
D 2 1/16 x 2 7/8 x 6 1/4"

Quilted Big Leaf Maple Turning Squares

Acer macrophyllum

Nice burl with minor defects common to all burls, mostly small bark pockets and inclusions. Air dried.

Item Number: W42822

A 2 x 2 x 12"
B 2 x 2 x 12"
C 2 x 2 x 12"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
D 2 x 2 x 12"
E 2 x 2 x 12"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
F 2 x 2 x 12"
G 2 5/16 x 2 5/16 x 12 1/8"

African Blackwood Turning Squares Barrel

Dalbergia melanoxylon

The heartwood of African Blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon) is purplish to brownish-black with dark gray streaks giving an overall impression of being black. Lustrous with an attractive inner chatoyance. Very hard, heavy, close-grained, and virtually free from pores. Some squares may have sapwood corners or more, burly or wild grain, occasional bug holes, small inclusions, small checks, etc., i.e. they have the small defects common to Blackwood. Still, I have milled thousands of these and have produced beautiful turning squares with many of them instrument-quality.

We have been importing these from Africa for nearly 40 years. In that time they have always measured pretty much the same sizes, i.e., 1 3/8-1 1/2" square x 7 1/2-8 1/2" long. The most recent batch we received has squares in the 11-12".

There are 368 squares in this barrel.

The barrel will ship via freight truck. Please call us if you have any questions. 503-274-1271

Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.

Item Number: W42821

1 3/8-1 1/2 x 1 3/8-1 1/2 x 11-12"

Cocuswood Turning Squares

Brya ebenus

This extremely rare species is found in Cuba, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic. Also called Green, Brown, or West Indian Ebony. The heartwood is brownish-yellow to dark brown often with a greenish tinge. It is usually beautifully veined with darker streaks. The wood is hard and heavy weighing 68 to 80 lbs/cubic foot. This high density contributes to its wonderful acoustic properties-it fairly rings when struck. It is well known for its use in woodwinds such as flutes, piccolos, and bagpipes because of its fine and uniform grain, its beautiful coloring and its resonance.

E has a little wane on one end, should turn off. This piece also has the remnants of cracks we milled off, which means the cracks end at the surface of the square. You can see where they were but they don't go into the piece any farther.

Item Number: W42820

Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
A 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 x 8 15/16"
B 1 3/16 x 1 3/16 x 13 5/16"
C 1 3/16 x 1 3/16 x 13 9/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
D 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 x 13 3/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
E 1 7/16 x 1 7/16 x 16"

Malagasy Ebony

Diospyros perreiri

This Ebony is unsurpassed for its beauty and blackness. It is fairly fine-textured and takes a high polish. Finest ebony in the world. Rare.

This species has been newly added to the CITES list and as a consequence, we are limiting sales to the United States only.

Item Number: W42819

A 1 x 3 1/8 x 12 1/8"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
B 1 x 3 3/16 x 12 3/16"
C 1 1/16 x 3 1/16 x 12 5/16"
D 1 1/16 x 3 1/8 x 12 3/8"
E 1 x 3 1/8 x 12 5/16"

Malagasy Ebony

Diospyros perreiri

This Ebony is unsurpassed for its beauty and blackness. It is fairly fine-textured and takes a high polish. Finest ebony in the world. Rare.

This species has been newly added to the CITES list and as a consequence, we are limiting sales to the United States only.

Item Number: W42818

A 1-1 1/8 x 3 1/8 x 12 1/4"
B 1-1 1/16 x 3 1/8 x 12 1/8"
C 15/16-1 x 3 1/8 x 12 1/4"
D 1 x 3 1/8 x 12 1/8"
E 1 x 3 1/8 x 12 1/8"

Figured Black Mesquite Knife Handle Blanks

Prosopis nigra

A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.

Item Number: W42817

A 1 1/8 x 1 9/16 x 5 1/4"
B 1 1/8 x 1 9/16 x 5 1/4"
C 1 1/8 x 2 x 5 1/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
D 1 1/8 x 2 x 5 1/8"

Bird's-eye Maple Turning Square/Pool Cue Blanks

Acer saccharum

The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.

Item Number: W42816

A 1 11/16 x 1 11/16 x 17 5/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
B 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 19 1/8"
C 1 13/16 x 1 13/16 x 20 1/8"
D 1 13/16 x 1 13/16 x 20 1/8"

Bird's-eye Maple Turning Square/Pool Cue Blanks

Acer saccharum

The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.

Item Number: W42815

A 1 7/16 x 1 7/16 x 21 9/16"
B 1 11/16 x 1 11/16 x 18 3/16"
C 1 11/16 x 1 11/16 x 19 3/4"
D 1 11/16 x 1 11/16 x 19 3/4"
E 1 11/16 x 1 11/16 x 19 3/4"
F 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 20 1/8"

Fishtail Oak

Neorites kevedianus

Similar to Brazilian Lacewood but a bit denser with a darker reddish-brown color. Beautiful, lustrous grain with big, silvery medullary rays on the quartersawn face. This species comes from Australia.

Item Number: W42814

A 1 9/16 x 1 9/16 x 22 1/4"
B 1 3/4 x 3 1/16 x 22 5/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
C 1 3/4 x 5 1/2 x 22 5/8"

West African Ebony Billet

Diospyros crassiflora

Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.

Please give us a call if you want more information about this piece.

Item Number: W42813

up to 9 1/4 x up to 9 1/2 x 53 1/8"

Figured Shedua

Guibourtia sp.

Also called Ovangkol and Amazakoue. This wood is increasingly becoming popular as an acoustic guitar wood. The color varies from a rich, golden brown to a lustrous grayish brown usually with a black stripe.

Item Number: W42812

A 1 13/16 x 4 11/16 x 42 1/8"
B 1 13/16 x 4 3/4 x 42 1/8"

Black Mesquite

Prosopis nigra

A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.

Item Number: W42810

2 5/16 x 5 x 38 13/16"

Figured Black Mesquite

Prosopis nigra

A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.

Item Number: W42809

A 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 30 3/4"
B 3 5/16 x 5 1/16 x 30 15/16"

Figured Black Mesquite

Prosopis nigra

A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.

All of these boards are figured mostly on the edge grain.

Item Number: W42808

Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
A 7/8 x 4 7/8 x 30"
B 7/8 x 3 1/2 x 31 15/16"
C 15/16 x 4 1/8 x 33 5/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
D 7/8 x 3 11/16 x 38 1/16"

Macassar Ebony

Diospyros celebica

A classically striped Ebony from Asia. Quartersawn.

Item Number: W42807

A 13/16 x 2 9/16 x 27 1/16"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
B 13/16 x 2 1/2 x 35 3/8"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
C 13/16 x 2 11/16 x 39 5/8"


Millettia laurentii

Most Wenge comes from the interior of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), and is floated to market on the Congo river. It is fairly hard and heavy with a medium to coarse texture. The heartwood is very dark brown with fine, nearly parallel black veining. Very rich looking when finished.

Item Number: W42806

A 1 7/16 x 8 3/16 x 36 1/8"
B 1 7/16 x 8 3/16 x 36"


Swartzia cubensis

This is a large tree 2-4' diameter, by up to 120' tall from Mexico & Central America. The wood is very dense and fairly fine-grained. Because of its hardness it can be difficult to work but it takes a fine polish. Its dark color leads some to call it Mexican Ebano and very dark pieces can be used as a substitute for true black Ebony, especially in laminations and inlays. Straight-grained wood can be used for musical instrument fingerboards and bridge blanks.

Item Number: W42805

A 1 x 3 5/8 x 23"
B 1 x 4 1/2 x 30 5/8"
C 1 x 6 5/8 x 28 5/16"
D 15/16 x 6 5/8 x 29 5/8"

Figured Black Mesquite Turning Squares

Prosopis nigra

A very few pieces of Mesquite are figured with what we call frog's-hair curl, a small, tight curl with as many as 12-15 curls per inch. A very stable wood. Air-dried.

These are all gorgeously figured. These have some of the nicest curl we have ever seen in Mesquite.

Item Number: W42804

A 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 x 24"
B 2 x 2 x 23 15/16"
C 2 x 2 x 24"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
D 2 x 2 x 24"

Malagasy Ebony

Diospyros perreiri

This Ebony is unsurpassed for its beauty and blackness. It is fairly fine-textured and takes a high polish. Finest ebony in the world. Rare.

This species has been newly added to the CITES list and as a consequence, we are limiting sales to the United States only.

A is half black, half colored.
D has some wane on one corner.

Item Number: W42803

A 15/16 x 2 3/16 x 24 7/8"
B 15/16 x 2 1/4 x 24 9/16"
C 1 x 2 9/16 x 24 1/4"
D 15/16 x 2 1/4 x 27 1/2"

European Pearwood

Pyrus communis

Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.

Item Number: W42802

Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
A 3 1/16 x 5 1/2-6 x 11"
Sold 78415cc43c7a69982a1814f365e95d5a45f14ac67e0a9295ae06c33f7249e6bb
B 2 15/16 x 4 1/8 x 15 3/4"
C 2 7/8 x 7-8 3/8 x 16"

Thuya Burl

Tetraclinis articulata

This comes from the Atlas mountains in Morocco and has a beautiful golden chatoyance. Its color varies from a rich, lustrous golden brown to nearly black. Thuya burl is hard and dense with a high oil content, but tends to be brittle. The eyes, perfectly round, are scattered about in some burls like the figure in bird's-eye maple; in others they are grouped as islands. Due to it's desert occurrence, the wood sometimes contains small defects or inclusions but most can be repaired with cyanoacrylate (super) glues. A rare species, this exquisite wood is used for inlays, small boxes, turnery, and precious objects.

Item Number: W42801

A 3 1/8 x 3 1/4 x up to 6 7/16"
B 3 1/8 x 3 1/8 x up to 7 3/16"
C 3 1/8 x 3 3/16 x up to 8 9/16"

Camphor Burl

Cinnamomum sp.

This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.

Item Number: W42800

A 1 3/8 x 2 11/16 x 5 7/8"
B 1 1/4 x 2 7/8 x 7 1/4"
C 15/16 x 3 1/8 x 10 3/8"
D 7/8 x 3 1/4 x 15 5/16"
E 1 5/8 x 5 7/8 x 10 15/16"