Figured European Pearwood Charcuterie Board Blanks
Pyrus communis
Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.
Item Number: W42272
Figured European Pearwood Charcuterie Board Blanks
Pyrus communis
Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.
Item Number: W42271
Figured European Pearwood
Pyrus communis
Almost all Pearwood imported into the U.S.A. has been steamed to bring out a more pinkish-red color and to prevent drying stresses. Formerly the wood was used for carving, turning, drawing instruments, wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and tool handles. Stained black it is an excellent substitute for Ebony. Contemporary uses include woodwinds such as recorders, furniture, kitchen accessories, jewelry and other boxes, and architectural uses such as paneling and doors.
Item Number: W42270
Genuine Mahogany
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42268
Honduras Rosewood
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42266
Camatillo Pen Blank Bundle & Blocks
Dalbergia congestiflora
Also called Para Kingwood & Mexican Kingwood. The deep purple heartwood is oily and takes an incredible polish with a smoothness pleasing to the fingertips.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
A has 6 pieces.
Item Number: W42265
Honduras Rosewood Bowl Blanks
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42264
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42260
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42259
Panama Redwood Bowl Blanks
Item Number: W42258
Panama Redwood Turning Squares
Item Number: W42257
West African Ebony Turning Square/Pool Cue Blanks
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42255
West African Ebony Turning Square/Pool Cue Blanks
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42254
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42253
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42252
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42251
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42250
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42249
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
B & C have a little wane on one corner.
Item Number: W42248
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42247
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42246
Bird's-eye Maple
Acer saccharum
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Item Number: W42245
Honduras Rosewood
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42244
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42243
Honduras Rosewood Bundle & Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
A has 3 pieces.
Item Number: W42242
Figured Shedua Bowl Blanks
Guibourtia sp.
The Sapele tree is found in tropical West & Central Africa. Even when without figure as this board Sapele has an amazing luster and takes a beautiful polish.
Item Number: W42241
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42240
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42239
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
C has wane on one corner.
Item Number: W42238
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42237
West African Ebony Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42236
West African Ebony Turning Squares/Pool Cue Blanks
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42235
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42234
Bird's-eye Maple
Acer saccharum
The heartwood is white or cream to light brown or reddish brown. Figured somewhat like that of burl with many small eyes separate from each other. Hard and heavy, 45 lbs/cu ft. Easy to work and takes a smooth polish. U.S.A.
Item Number: W42233
Genuine Mahogany
Swietenia macrophylla
Also called Acajou, Tropical American Mahogany, and Honduras Mahogany. This medium to large tree occurs throughout Central and South America. Related to Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) and Pacific Coast Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). It produces one of the classic furniture and cabinetmaking woods. The heartwood varies from a light reddish-brown to a rich, dark red. Generally straight grained and exceptionally stable, it is easy to machine, hand plane, sand and finish. Occasional logs produce several figures, curly, quilted, and the rare plum pudding figure which looks like large drips running down the board. Used in fine furniture and joinery, boat building, and in the guitar industry for acoustic sets and necks.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42232
Figured Ceylon Satinwood
Chloroxylon swietenia
This wood is primarily from Sri Lanka and has been a valuable wood of commerce for several centuries. The wood has a look that begs it to be touched. When finely polished and finished Satinwood has a smooth, silky feel with a lustrous depth.
Item Number: W42231
Camphor Burl Turning Squares
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42230
Camphor Burl
Cinnamomum sp.
This rare burl is from S.E. Asia and is seldom seen on the world market. It is fine-grained and varies in color from a light reddish-brown to almost scarlet. It is easy to work and has a very pungent, spicy scent. For a burl it is remarkably stable. Green to partially air dried.
Item Number: W42229
Guilandina echinata
Also called Ibirapitanga and Pau Brazil, this once important dyewood gave origin to the name of Brazil. It is now facing extinction over most of its growth area and is listed by CITES as endangered. The color of the heartwood is yellowish-brown to orange and is fine-grained, hard, and heavy. Rare.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
We have had this board since 1981, when one could still buy Pernambuco lumber. This board looks to be flatsawn so the edge grain is quartersawn. It has a deep orange color with few if any physical defects. We encourage interested customers to come and inspect the board before purchase. If you have one, bring your Lucchi meter with you.
Item Number: W42228
Palisander Turning Squares
Dalbergia baronii
One of several rosewood species from Madagascar. It has beautiful color and grain, a sweet smell, and is very easy to work and stable in use. It is a very close match to true Rio or Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra) and as such is much in demand for musical instruments, especially guitars.
Due to this item being on the CITES list, we are only shipping this species to addresses in the United States.
D is trapazoidal. See close up photo.
Item Number: W42227
Palisander Turning Squares
Dalbergia baronii
One of several rosewood species from Madagascar. It has beautiful color and grain, a sweet smell, and is very easy to work and stable in use. It is a very close match to true Rio or Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra) and as such is much in demand for musical instruments, especially guitars.
Due to this item being on the CITES list, we are only shipping this species to addresses in the United States.
Item Number: W42226
Macassar Ebony
Diospyros celebica
A classically striped Ebony from Asia.
Item Number: W42224
Malagasy Ebony
Diospyros perreiri
This Ebony is unsurpassed for its beauty and blackness. It is fairly fine-textured and takes a high polish. Finest ebony in the world. Rare.
This species has been newly added to the CITES list and as a consequence, we are limiting sales to the United States only.
A is flatsawn.
B is flatsawn.
C is riftsawn to flatsawn. This has a little wane on a couple corners.
D is riftsawn to flatsaw. This piece has a rare colored stripe to it that we usually don't see in Malagasy Ebony. Look at the close up photo for more detail.
Item Number: W42223
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42220
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42219
West African Ebony Turning Squares
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42218
West African Ebony
Diospyros crassiflora
Sometimes called Gabon or Gaboon, this Ebony is sometimes jet black but oftentimes has grayish streaks that mostly disappear when finished or after the made object has been put into service. This Ebony has a marked resistance to checking that is characteristic of some of the Indian and Asian species. It has a wonderful texture and is easily carved, planed, turned, and milled. It is fairly fine-grained and takes a high polish. This Ebony usually originates in either Cameroon or Nigeria and the logs are rough hewn in the forest and oftentimes brought to the nearest road by human porters. With the disappearance of other species of black Ebony this species is fast becoming the Ebony of choice.
Item Number: W42217
Mexican Bocote
Cordia elaeagnoides
Bocote is an oily wood with a yellowish to dark brown color accented with irregular black stripes and streaks. It has a spicy smell and is hard, heavy and strong. It is easy to work and takes a very nice polish. This beautiful wood is seldom seen in woodworker's shops.
Item Number: W42215
Honduras Rosewood
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42214
Honduras Rosewood Turning Squares
Dalbergia stevensonii
A true rosewood, most of our stock comes from Belize. Smelling like stored apples, it is a lovely wood to turn and takes a fantastic polish. Getting scarce on the world market.
Due to CITES regulations, we can only ship this species to customers in the United States.
Item Number: W42213